Blogs Nieuwe learning analytics projecten bij de UU Terwijl veel collega’s op vakantie waren in juli en augustus heeft team learning analytics (LA) hard doorgewerkt. Want, in het komende ...
TAUU council Why focus on internationalisation? Former T@UU council member Lorena De Vita, together with T@UU project leader Femke van de Glind, delivered a report on the topic of ...
Blogs Oproep: voorbeelden van werkvormen met ChatGPT Wij zijn op zoek naar voorbeelden, hoe er wordt omgegaan met ChatGPT in het onderwijs. Er zijn natuurlijk binnen de universiteit allemaal ...
TAUU council T@UU abroad: a sneak peek into teaching life abroad with Erasmus+ Assistant professor and T@UU council member Marij Swinkels spent some time at a different university and shares her tips and experiences of going ...
Teacher in the Picture Teacher in the Picture: Sanne Akerboom During the previous ‘Onderwijsparade’, Sanne Akerboom took part in the ‘in conversation with the Teacher Talents’ part of the programme, in light ...
Coffee to go with... Nicole Mastenbroek: I explain to students that it is normal to make mistakes during the learning process In this TAUU column ‘Coffee to go with’ I go out with UU teachers in the beautiful nature around the Utrecht Science Park. While ...
Coffee to go with... Fréderique Purnot: Make sure you work less hard yourself and let your students work harder Teaching community TAUU is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year! A great moment to kick off this brand new TAUU column ‘Coffee to go ...
Teacher in the Picture Waarom nascholing noodzakelijk is in het werkveld: blijf niet alleen bevoegd maar ook bekwaam Universitair docent Jeffrey de Gier (Diergeneeskunde) werkt al ruim twintig jaar bij de Universiteit Utrecht. Tijdens zijn loopbaan zag hij een ...
Blogs Equality in Law and Education Utrecht University organized the panel: ‘What does it take to foster an inclusive university community?’ Panelists shared their views from ...
Ik vertrek Podcast series ‘Ik vertrek’ (I am leaving): Rozanne Versendaal on her teaching experiences In this podcast you will get to know the temporary teachers of UU. What drives them to put their heart and soul into good academic education? ...
Ik vertrek Podcast series ‘Ik vertrek’ (I am leaving): Leon Klomp on his teaching experiences In this podcast you will get to know the temporary teachers of UU. What drives them to put their heart and soul into good academic education? ...
Ik vertrek Podcast series ‘Ik vertrek’ (I am leaving): Nike Stam on her teaching experiences In this podcast you will get to know the temporary teachers of UU. What drives them to put their heart and soul into good academic education? ...
Teacher in the Picture “Ik kreeg de tijd en ruimte om een cursus voor professionals te ontwikkelen” Hoe begin ik met het ontwikkelen van Onderwijs voor Professionals (OvP)? En waar haal ik de tijd vandaan? Dit zijn vragen waar ook universitair ...
TAUU council Parents teaching at UU need institutional support The blog written by Adrien Melquiond, about how parents of young children are dealing with difficult situations because of covid19, received many ...
Blogs Session SIG Co-creation with dr. Catherine Bovill (University of Edinburgh) Processes of co-creating education and research can be seen as a way of promoting democratic values in higher education. Those processes involve ...
Blogs How much can we ask from parents of young children? I first wrote young parents, but I am not sure I am still qualifying. This sounds more inclusive. I am the proud father of three children, aged ...
Teacher in the Picture Waarom professionals niet focussen op ‘een goed cijfer halen’ Een opleiding of cursus volgen naast een drukke baan: professionals steken kostbare vrije tijd in hun professionele ontwikkeling. Dit betekent ...
Blogs // News How Academic Teachers Dealt With The Sudden Transition to Online Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview of Three Master Thesis Projects Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a shift from face-to-face education to online education was made rapidly. Teachers at Utrecht University teachers ...
Teacher in the Picture “Je hoeft het wiel niet opnieuw uit te vinden” Of je nou bakken ervaring hebt met het geven van onderwijs of helemaal geen: het Start to Teach traject is er voor alle medewerkers van de ...
Teacher in the Picture Hoe leg je Artificial Intelligence uit aan overheidsprofessionals? Nooit meer zelf door beleidsteksten worstelen om de juiste informatie te vinden. Of sneller besluitvorming verbeteren door inzichten uit ...