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Docentencommunity T@UU

About T@UU

Everybody has their own expertise. In sharing your knowledge and experience with others, you help to make the large network of teachers at Utrecht University visible and enable everyone to profit from each other’s network, knowledge, and experience.

Teaching community T@UU (Teaching At Utrecht University) is a network consisting of and meant for all teachers of Utrecht University. T@UU is a place for teachers to meet, both online and face to face. They share knowledge, gain inspiration and acquire new ideas, and develop new projects together. It’s a network that has room for creativity and innovation.

T@UU’s vision is to listen to and voice the interests of all UU staff involved in teaching, with the aim to strengthen our educational environment.

We believe that by collecting the teaching experiences of staff involved in teaching in the UU community, we can learn from each other, network with each other, and combat the issues and concerns that we encounter in our work.

We strive to listen to the interests of UU staff involved in teaching about education by 1) offline and online meetups, 2) attending teaching events to talk to the community, and 3) monitoring online and offline discussions about teaching @ UU.

We strive to voice the interests of UU staff involved in teaching about education by 1) writing about it on our website, 2) podcasting about it, 3) giving (un)solicited advice to the educational board, the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (CAT), or the board of the university, and 4) by publishing memos or reports on issues that we come across.

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