Where can I find information in English?
Why is this page in Dutch? Where can I find information in English language?

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Valid question. Last week has been crazy and we try to share experiences, questions, etc in the most approachable way for everybody. We can’t ask people to share their questions and experiences in two languages, nor can we translate everything by ourselves.
We heard from foreign colleagues that the TAUU pages are easy to translate when you browse in Google Chrome. Please tell us if it works for you!
Monday, March 23rd, 10h00 we organize a Q&A about distance learning in English, with two guests: Anne Geesink and Danielle Vlaanderen. At the faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences they coordinate the course Coaching & Training. Last Wednesday, they organized a meeting with more then 70 students, that still was interactive. Anne and Danielle will share their experiences. You can join the livestream and the chat, in which questions will be answered directly by Anne, Danielle and colleagues from Educate-it, educational policy and Educational Consultancy & Professional Development! Join here.
You can also find very useful information about distance learning in English here:
FAQ’s and Tips&Tricks from Educate-it:
And of course follow hashtag on Twitter: #CovidCampus
Of course feel free to post your question here in English and we will try to find experiences and answers with you.
Distance learning and (digital) accessibility
In these times of distance learning, there is a lot different for all students than before. Students with a disability sometimes have to get used to the loss of structure and agreements made with teachers. In the case of online education, too, it is important for teachers to pay attention to the accessibility of the tools and study materials used. ECIO (Dutch centre of expertise for inclusive education, formerly known as Handicap and Study) has set up a special page with tips and advice that I would be happy to share with you:
Each tool has its own accessibility options. For example, Microsoft Teams seems to be able to create automatic English subtitles during meetings. In YouTube, the teacher can add the transcript himself/herself. And then there are all kinds of ways to add sound to a powerpoint (Adobe Spark) that can be quickly converted into subtitles. ECIO has translated an article about this from the Irish expertise centre accessibility AHEAD with all these useful tips: (in English) (in Dutch)
The Accessibility Foundation has itself tested a number of tools:
Finally, both lecturers and students can contact Incluvisie, which has set up a query centre on the accessibility of education:
If there are any questions about the guidance of students with a disability, please contact the SO&O/student affairs department:
The information is mostly in Dutch, I will contact ECIO about information and articles in English.