What to do when a student arrives late?
Dear Willemijn,
How do I react to a student who often is half an hour late?
It really disturbs my lesson.
Dear unhappy teacher,
I know how you feel, I’ve been there. I don’t believe there’s a recipe that works for one and all. But there are a few tricks.
There’s for example the disciplinary approach: ‘If you’re late one more time…’
And there’s the humorous approach: ‘So glad you managed to make it…’
There’s the engaging approach: ‘Hey Mathew, we were just discussing…’
And the curtly approach: ‘There’s an empty seat over there. Yes, thank you.’
I suppose you should do whatever fits you best. If late comers annoy you, if you have the feeling they interrupt class, I think you should feel free to say whatever you feel like saying, but the one thing you should not do is let it pass unnoticed. But maybe that’s just me…
If you’re completely without inspiration, maybe Marc-Marie Huijbregts can help you:

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How about you just don’t allow the student in anymore? If it happens so often, and you’ve talked to them about it, and they keep being late… Keep them out until a coffebreak or small intermezzo where it doesnt disturb you to come in.
Now the student sees no reason to change the late coming behavior because they still get to enter the room. Make m feel the consequences of being late. It doesn’t only affect you (out of your flow) but the rest of class as well.