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War in Ukraine

Sinds donderdag 24 februari 2022 is Poetin de Oekraïne binnengevallen. Dit brengt bij ons allen heel veel te weeg – studenten en docenten ervaren gevoelens van angst, verdriet, boosheid, machteloosheid. Heb je goede ideeën hoe we elkaar en de studenten hierin kunnen ondersteunen? Heb je behoefte om jouw verhaal te doen in de docentencommunity? Laat dan hieronder je reactie achter of kom naar een van de TAUU Office Hours om gedachten en ideeën uit te wisselen.

Op deze pagina vind je alle ondersteuning die de UU biedt aan haar studenten en medewerkers.

Leonie Kroes-Wichers
12 April 2022


  1. Sanne Frequin
    Sanne Frequin

    We cannot keep the world out of our classrooms, even if we wanted to. Especially in courses with international students I think it is important to create a safe space to talk about this. I find it difficult to bring up the topic in a way that gives students the opportunity to share their concerns. From a student perspective, I can imagine it is frightening to tell about fear or guilt in front of a group of peers that you do not know very well.
    I tried to tackle this problem by annoucning at the beginning of my class that I would be available during the break for personal stories. I just went around the small groups and asked them how they felt about the situation. It is easier to speak to someone one to one, than in a group discussion.

    I would love to have some more tips about how to handle this the best way. So if any student-advisors are reading, feel free to respond!

  2. Maxine Herinx
    Maxine Herinx

    TerInfo, project within Utrecht University, developed a lesson plan to help teachers discuss the war in Ukraine (in Dutch): https://www.uu.nl/nieuws/hoe-maak-je-de-oorlog-in-oekraine-bespreekbaar-in-de-klas. The lesson plan provides a historical background, practical guidelines for discussion in the classroom and activities. Although it was developed primarily for a different target group (teachers in primary, secondary and post-secondary vocational education), the historical background and last activity are suitable for students as well (some might need adjustments)!

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