Teaching and Learning Lab Autumn festival 2021
During the yearly Autumn Festival, we focus on the innovation of our education. This year, the main theme is “The education of Tomorrow”, with a special focus on “Flexible Education”. We will discuss what our education should look like, now that we are able to go back to campus and school. Do we want to return to the situation of pre 2020? What have we learned about the benefits and uses of online-education? What is needed to facilitate a combination of both, in which education remains available and equal for everyone?
Our Keynote speaker Arthur Bakker will illustrate his research over the past years, focusing on students and digital-education. He advocates a ‘Pedagogy of Care’, in which the (mental) health of students and teachers alike should play a much more important role in education. After his introduction and the official opening of the Hybrid Active Learning Classroom, there will be several online, on-campus and hybrid workshops discussing the near future of education.
We look forward to welcoming you on Friday the 12th of November 2021!

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