Register for this tutor training: Skills for challenging conversations
It’s possible that you increasingly come across students dealing with substantial stress complaints, psychological problems or other troubles. It might be that you experience conversations on these subjects as difficult or tough. How do you cope with the problems they share or with emotional outbursts? How do you know whether the students feels heard? How do you make sure that you don’t get preoccupied by what you have been told?
In this training, we will address the context in which this trend occurs, pay attention to your task description and practice with listening, referral and letting go. The training is a pilot so it’s possible that the content of the training will be adjusted afterwards, based on the feedback of the participants.
The training will be given by Jacky Limvers and Yke Eijkemans, wellbeing officer SO&O. Jacky has been giving such training courses for tutors for years and Yke has been a tutor herself for several years.
Participation is free and the training will be held two times this spring, on Friday 29 April from 10h00 until 12h00 and on Monday 16 May from 15h00 until 17h00. The maximum number of participants is 12 tutors per session.
Do you have any questions about the content of the training? Mail to Jacky Limvers,

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