Recognition and Rewards: The perspective of the young scientist
According to Utrecht University itself, the way in which academics are recognised and rewarded is the key to changing behaviour in the direction of open science. The renewed system of recognition and rewards is a cultural change, a fundamentally different way of thinking about what constitutes good science and, consequently, also about when are you a good scientist? But what is the impact on young scientists? And what does it mean for their future? TAUU has conducted research into the experiences of young scientists at Utrecht University with the renewed system of recognition and rewards. Read the complete study here (Dutch).
During the Strengthen-Your-Education-Week, the results of this research were presented in a video. Afterwards, during a Q&A session, there was a discussion with those present about their own experiences, the possibilities of achieving an (accelerated) culture change and the role of managers in this.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about this research, please do not hesitate to contact Femke van de Glind at

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