Program: Mentoring Matters Conference (June 11-12)
Program available here:
Mentoring Matters PDF Program
A multidisciplinary conference to highlight the role of mentoring in the teaching and research missions of the 21st Century university
Dates: 11-12 June 2015
Location: Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands (International Campus Utrecht)
Hosted by UU’s Teaching Fellow initiative and University College Utrecht.
Invited Speakers:
- Dr. Philip Campbell, Editor –in-chief, Nature & founder of Nature’s mentor awards
- Dr. Marjanne Everts, professor of veterinary sciences & educator
- Dr. W. Brad Johnson, professor of psychology & author of The Elements of Mentoring
Today’s universities bear the responsibility of preparing society’s intellectual leaders to address the challenges of the future. The success of students and young researchers depends not only on their intellectual talent but also on their understanding of their personal abilities and the demands of the academic culture in which they are being trained. This understanding is fostered by interaction with university teachers, academic advisers and research supervisors- all of whom can in some way serve as mentors. The expansion of social and international mobility brought by the first decade of the 21st century lends urgency to considerations of effective mentoring practice; increasing social and cultural diversity at European universities requires teachers, advisers and supervisors to recognize and nurture individual potential in an increasingly diverse population. This meeting for university educators — in both teaching and research — provides a forum to share best practices in mentoring across disciplines, and to address the complexities of cultivating individual potential in all stages of academic and professional development.
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