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Docentencommunity T@UU


Let us know what you think of the hybrid classrooms!

Within Utrecht University, 44 classrooms have been set up with a hybrid function. Did you use one of these classrooms; on location, remotely or hybrid? Please fill in the questionnaire. It takes about ten minutes and is completely anonymous. Thanks in advance!

The hybrid classrooms can be used for teaching on location, remotely, and for hybrid teaching. The design of these rooms is part of a pilot project. In order to evaluate what teachers and students think about these classrooms, and what improvements can be done, your feedback is valuable and indispensable.

Fill in the questionnaire

It is also beneficial for yourself to hear about the experiences of others. There might be some useful tips and tricks for using a hybrid room that you are not yet aware of. Do other teachers experience the same advantages and disadvantages? Perhaps you can offer each other solutions for what you encounter when using a hybrid space. Comment below to exchange experiences directly with other teachers!

Marijn van Ellen
29 October 2021

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