Interested in having students from WUR and TU/e in your course?
Students from other institutions are allowed to participate in UU courses as ‘bijvakker’. But it takes a student much effort to find the right course, and the administrative process takes time. The strategic alliance TU/e, WUR, UU en UMC Utrecht has the ambition to change this. That’s why the EduXchange platform was launched at the end of 2021. On EduXchange students can easily register for courses that are offered by the partner institutions involved in the alliance.
EduXchange makes it easier for students to study at another university. A student can search for courses, and register without administrative barriers. Exam results will be automatically transferred to the home institution.
EduXchange also offers advantages to lecturers. The platform makes your courses more visible to students from other universities, it increases the opportunity to have students with different backgrounds and expertise in your classes, and it offers you the possibility to work together with colleagues from the other universities involved.
Offer your course?
About 200 courses can be found on the platform now. The ambition is to increase this number. Are you interested in offering your course? Please contact Janneke Hartemink ( / +31 6 43449063)
About the strategic alliance
Since 2019 Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and University Medical Centre Utrecht have worked together in a strategic alliance. The motto of this strategic collaboration is challenging future generations. Young researchers, lecturers and students are at the helm and work together right across disciplines. The challenges future generations will face are large but so are the possibilities for meeting those challenges. The institutions combine their expertise in order to contribute to social transitions in energy, sustainability, health and food. More information can be found on

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