Register for the Onderwijsparade now!
On Thursday 10 March 2022, the annual Onderwijsparade will take place. During this day, Utrecht University puts her education in the spotlight. The winners of the Teacher Awards will be announced and there will be lectures and workshops on the theme Innovation and scholarship: driving force of our education.
Register now for the Onderwijsparade!
The annual Onderwijsparade provides a platform for dialogue between students, faculty and staff about our academic education. The theme of educational innovation is highlighted and discussed: research informed innovation projects, where teachers or students were in the lead. Besides showing inspiring examples, teachers are supported to turn ideas into innovation projects. This year, the activities of the fourth edition of the U-SoTL Conference are included in the programme of the Onderwijsparade
This year, the programme is organised on location in the Academiegebouw as well as online. There will be a morning and afternoon programme in the Academiegebouw, of which participants can follow one on location, and a complete online day programme. Online, you can join some parts of the programme on location via livestream, such as the opening of the day, the interview with the Teacher Talents of this year and the Teacher Awards ceremony!
On location as well as online, the day will be filled with interesting workshops. For example, you can learn more about different SoTL projects of colleagues and get inspired to start your own project. You can also think along about the campus of the future, learn about different innovational projects and about innovational tools which you can use in your own teaching. Check out the complete programme via the button below and put together your own inspriring day by combining activities on location with online sessions.
Register now for the Onderwijsparade!

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