New member of the TAUU team!
This past October, I, Marijn van Ellen, started working as a communications officer within the TAUU team. Alongside project leader Leonie Kroes-Wichers, I take care of the communications around the TAUU Teaching Community. Within this role, I collect and raise topics that live among the UU lecturers, in order to raise awareness for these topics and to enlarge the network of the Teaching Community.
This is my first job after getting my Master’s degree in Communications at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. I am curious to see what this job will bring me and hope to contribute to creating a valuable and relevant Teaching Community for all lecturers. Besides communications specifically for TAUU, I also take care of communications within the Centre for Academic Teaching, for example communications around events and workshops that are organized for lecturers.
Upon my arrival at the TAUU team, we said goodbye to Naomi Thielman. She is currently working for the Ministry of Internal Affairs where she concerns herself with digital collaboration and inclusion. Hereby, Leonie and I would like to thank her for her endless enthusiasm and all the work she has done for TAUU!

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