Invitation & call for abstracts: SoTL conference 7 March 2019
On Thursday the 7th of March 2019, on the morning preceding the Onderwijsparade, the first Utrecht Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference will be organised at University Hall (Academiegebouw). Join us!
Are you curious about improvements by teachers in the field of teaching and learning in Higher Education? Are you willing to enquire your education and learn from others? Join us, for an open, inspiring and stimulating programme!
At the conference, there will be plenty of opportunities to debate and reflect on teaching and learning methods in higher education. A masterclass is given on methods to gather evidence of effectiveness of your teaching or teaching innovation. Afterwards teachers present studies of their scholarly approaches of teaching innovations.
Call for abstracts
We kindly invite teachers who already studied their teaching, to submit an abstract. Teachers of selected abstracts will be asked to make a poster to discuss during the conference. Read more about submitting an abstract, please before the 15th of January, via the link below.
SoTL Conference: info, registration and abstracts
We hope to see you at the very first UU SoTL Conference!
Best wishes,
Senior Fellows, Centre for Academic Teaching

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