Facilitate an inclusive classroom with the Toolbox Diversity in Education

Are you familiar with the Toolbox Diversity in Education? It contains a range of tools that will help you incorporate diversity work in your educational practice as a university lecturer or teacher. It provides exercises that you can assign to students, but also try on yourself. The goal of the Toolbox is to help you create an inclusive environment for students and teachers of all backgrounds.
On Diversity Day, Tuesday October 5th, from 13h30 until 15h00, the creators of the Toolbox will host an interactive Q&A session, where users of the Toolbox are invited to pose questions and share experiences (as well as struggles) with implementing the tools. All teachers that have some familiarity with the Toolbox are invited to join!
Would you like to examine your own teaching and incorporate diversity tools? Have a look at the Toolbox Diversity in Education and sign up for the Q&A session to take your knowledge further.
We are hoping to host a live session, but if the corona circumstances do not allow this, this Q&A session will take place online. If you have registered, you will receive an email in September with further details on the location.

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Nikkie Wiegink shared her experiences with the Diversity Toolbox with us:
What made you pay more attention to diversity in courses?
One of the things that made me pay more attention to diversity in courses was the realization of teaching many books by white scholars, often male and educated in North America or Europe. Another reason was that years ago when I started teaching again after a break of three years or so, I saw more diversity in the student populations – it was probably always there, but some things I did not notice before.
How did you use the toolbox?
I used the identity wheel in teaching with students and in a BKO class (during my BKO trajectory I had to prepare a class on diversity and internationalization), to start a conversation about different aspects of our identities and how these (may) influence research/teaching. The literature review/check I use not explicitly as a tool, but it is in the back of my mind when I choose literature to assign for a course.
What was your experience and the reaction from students?
I have experienced the identity wheel as a useful tool. What I found most useful is that it makes students realize or consider a wide range of aspects of their identity. In the BKO class, the identity wheel led to an interesting discussion about the influence of politics/political identity on teaching. Some of the participants had not considered that before.
Do you have any tips/tricks for colleagues?
To experiment!
Would you like to learn more, please sign up for the Q&A session on Tuesday October 5th, from 13h30 until 15h00.
These two videos explain how to use Toolbox Diversity in Education: