How to assess global citizenship
UNSW Teaching Staff Gateway – Assessing Global Citizenship – 2015-03-25
Through bi-weekly posts, MA staff participating in the USO project on internationalisation will share concrete teaching tools and activities through which we aim to enhance ‘tailor-made’ internationalisation.
This week: lessons from MA Clinical Psychology
The University of New South Wales (Australia) has developed an assessment toolkit to assess global citizenship. This toolkit helps students and teachers to assess whether graduates are global citizens, in the sense that they:
- Are capable of applying their discipline in local, national and international contexts
- Are culturally aware and capable of respecting diversity and acting in socially just/responsible ways
- Are capable of acting in environmentally responsible ways
Teachers, as well as students, can use the attached document to assess whether global citizenship has been achieved. Also, they can use the document to inform themselves about different aspects of global citizenship.

U moet ingelogd zijn om te reageren, gebruik het formulier aan de linkerkant om in te loggen met uw solis gegevens.