Blog // Nieuws How Academic Teachers Dealt With The Sudden Transition to Online Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview of Three Master Thesis Projects Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a shift from face-to-face education to online education was made rapidly. Teachers at Utrecht University teachers ...
Nieuws Inspiratievideo: college geven voor studenten op locatie én online. Hoe doe je dat nou? Van een grote groep studenten in de collegezaal, naar een scherm in je eigen huis; college geven is al een tijd niet meer zoals het was. ...
Blog Dialogue is key. So is the connection to the students. But how can one keep it alive in times of social distancing? I remember that day. I taught three seminars back to back, and at the end of the last one I saw one of my students waiting for the others to...
Blog Useful distance-learning tips I’ve been following a discussion at the American Philosophical Association on online teaching, and the following resources stood out: How ...