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Webinar: Teaching in the International Classroom – an introduction

Internationalisation involves the “incorporation of an international and intercultural dimension into the preparation, delivery and outcomes of a program of study” (Betty Leask, 2015). This means that internationalisation should be visible in the learning outcomes in the course guide, in your teaching activities and in the assessment. But how should you practically address this? In order to make internationalisation successful three aspects are important: these are English as a medium of instruction, intercultural competence and an international framework.

During the webinar ‘The international classroom: an introduction’ Nathalie Veenendaal will focus on the three aspects above and discuss what you can do in your own teaching. The webinar will be interactive as there is room for your own experiences and questions.


Thursday 31 May (16.00 – 17.00 hrs).


Nathalie Veenendaal regularly writes about internationalisation. Her most recent blog – The three important aspects of the international classroom – is related to this webinar.

More information and registration

Please visit the event website.

Janneke Hartemink
30 april 2018

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