UC Liberal Arts Workshops 2017-2018
For the third year in a row UCU organises workshops with a focus on teaching in the liberal arts.

Teaching in a liberal arts context requires special skills. For example: interactive teaching in small groups, leading discussions, teaching a culturally and academically diverse group of students, teaching the academic context and history of the discipline, interdisciplinary teaching, and teaching in English. Teaching at a University College also entails engaging with the student community, both inside and outside the classroom. This requires an understanding of the philosophy and ideals of a liberal arts education and a basic awareness of the intellectual development of students.
This document describes the program at University College Utrecht, 2017-2018.
The meetings are open to UC teachers from across the Netherlands and to any interested UU teachers. All workshops take place on Tuesdays at 3 pm, at UCU. Dates and topics are fixed, and details appear in individual agenda items. See TAUU agenda items for more details and to register:
- Oct. 3, 2017: Teaching across a Language Divide
- Nov. 14, 2017: Class Participation, including Listening
- Dec. 5, 2017: SKO Portfolio, including Graham Rubric
- Feb. 13, 2018: Intellectual Development in College
- March 20, 2018: Teaching Metaphors for BKO
- May 1, 2018: Interdisciplinary Teaching
- June 5, 2018: Book Club: Service Learning
We look forward to welcoming you at UCU!
Annemieke Meijer and Christel Lutz, September 2017

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