Partnership Collaboration Awards: First Call for Teaching and Research Proposals Sydney
On April 10 the UU signed a joint research and staff & student exchange partnership agreement with the University of Sydney. Utrecht University and the University of Sydney will provide yearly funding to support initiatives in internationalisation.
The aim is to foster international partnerships in research, teaching and learning, capacity building and other areas with high profile partners in priority regions. In 2017, six applications will be funded, each with two Chief Investigators; one from the University of Sydney and one from Utrecht University. Each application will receive up to the equivalent of AUD 15,000 from each institution (€11.000).
Applicants are encouraged to submit funding applications for innovative and sustainable programs built around collaborative research and/or learning and teaching initiatives linking the University of Sydney and Utrecht University. Applications are welcome annually. Applications are welcome from post-doctoral fellows, academic and research staff at the University of Sydney and Utrecht University in all disciplines. Chief Investigators on a project must hold a salaried appointment with either the University of Sydney or Utrecht University.
Please read the guidelines and fill out the application form. You can find the guidelines and application form on intranet.
The University of Sydney and Utrecht University applicants must submit their joint application by email to by 23 June 2017.

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