Some basics for synchronous online teaching
Because a lot of my colleagues (I’m from GW, department TLC) seemed to be afraid to go online and were wondering how they could change their great offline classes into online ones, I made a small movie that is available on youtube. The platform I use is Microsoft Teams but all options are available in other platforms as well.
In the course of the video I show some basic things most people will want to do: share and go through a powerpoint presentation, foster interaction in the ‘big’ group and foster interaction in subgroups (the break-out option as it is called in other platforms).
The video further: (i) pleads for synchronous teaching in Corona times ; (ii) tries to raise awareness for the complexity of following online classes; (iii) calls for colleagues to try and test things with each other.
The youtube description is as follows: How to economically transpose offline teaching to online teaching while maintaining interaction. Target group size: up to 25 students. Target class type: mix of lecture- and seminar-like elements. Target audience: colleagues who are afraid of going online or are looking for something that closely resembles what they’re used to.

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