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Yesterday I heard a colleague say that sometimes see feels ‘super depressed’ about the whole situation lately. This is a very strange period for everyone and I must admit I can feel a bit down too once in a while. Teaching online just does not give the same energy as teaching the ‘old fashioned’ way and we are missing so much ‘normal’ interaction at the moment. So I was wondering, what do you do when you feel down to cheer yourself up?

Leonie Kroes-Wichers
10 november 2020


  1. Kelly Matthijsen
    Kelly Matthijsen

    You are not the only one. I make sure I go to the gym almost every day: for me it has always been an outlet and I also plan my work around it. So I sometimes go in the morning, but also in the afternoon during regular working hours. It keeps me sane.

    I think the main thing is we have to be kind and gentle to ourselves. We’re only human. :)

  2. Rik Vangangelt
    Rik Vangangelt

    Thanks for your tips Kelly! I also try to cycle or walk every day, and have enough non-computing time. In addition, it helps to discuss it with your colleagues (like this post) and students (who also suffer from it), so keep discussing it!

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