Make multiple Teams for course with multiple groups?
I have a question: for a course with 2 groups (with different timeslots), would you advise to make 2 Teams environments rather than 1 Team with 2 channels? There is 1 Blackboard environment for the course where I will post readings, clips & announcements that apply to both groups, but for the Teams meetings it is maybe more practical to have 2 separate Teams? When I send an invitation to a online meeting it would only apply to one group. Or can you invite the groups separately within 1 Teams environment (in channels)? Any experiences here?

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Personally I would make 1 Team with 2 channels, that’s how I do it in my course. It is a bit more work with sending invitations for online meetings. However, if the groups are not that big you could make the invitations manually by “scheduling a meeting” (see top right corner in your channel in teams) and hereby inviting specific students from one group in that specific channel.
Another way of doing it is making the two different channels and just starting the meeting 10/15 minutes early to allow your students to join. In this case it is necessary that the students now their schedule through mytimetable or through Blackboard.
Happy to explain further if necessary!