04 March 2019

Knowledge item

Toolbox diversity in education

In the Toolbox Diversity in Education you can find different tools to incorporate diversity work into your educational practices. It provides exercises that teachers can assign for students, but also exercises and reflection materials for teachers themselves. The exercises focus on awareness and reflection on one’s own identity and positionality, critically engaging with literature, and dialogues in the classroom. The Toolbox consists of the following elements:

  • Theoretical perspectives on diversity
  • Tool Literature scan
  • Tool Critical reading
  • Tool Critical selfpositioning
  • Tool Dialogues in the classroom
  • Background information and further reading

Go to the toolbox

Ga naar de toolbox in het Nederlands

Instruction video Toolbox Diversity in Education

Instruction video example: How to use the literature scan tool

Further reading

You are free to share and adapt, if you give appropriate credit and use it non-commercially. More on Creative Commons


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